When shopkeepers decide to go online for the first time, one of their biggest worries is choosing the wrong supplier.
What is a wholesaler
A wholesaler is an intermediary between a manufacturer and a retailer. Manufacturers create and build things, but they don't know how to sell them. Retailers want to sell things, but they don't have any products because they haven't made anything.
The wholesaler. They buy or market from manufacturers, usually in large quantities, and then sell to smaller retailers and wholesalers in different regions. The wholesaler is the link in the supply chain – the gear in the wheel – that connects retailers and e-commerce companies with manufacturers.
What if I choose a person who cannot meet my needs , then I have to start all over again What if they seem like a great match to me on paper , but in reality they don't turn out the way I thought And even worse: what if they turn out to be incompetent or even scammers
Here are some things to put on your checklist.
- تأكد من معرفة ما إذا كان الشريك المحتمل هو شركة تصنيع أو موزع جملة. إذا كانوا موزعين ، فهم في الأساس “وسيط” بينك وبين الشركة المصنعة ، ويتقاضون رسومًا إضافية مقابل خدماتهم. في بعض الأحيان يكون الأمر يستحق ذلك من أجل الراحة ، ولكن في بعض الأحيان يكون من الأفضل لك الذهاب مباشرة إلى الشركة المصنعة.

- If it's a directory or a marketplace, does it help facilitate your transaction when buying from a wholesaler This extra support can end up saving a lot of headaches in the long run.
- Does their customer service meet your needs We'll talk about how to contact potential suppliers soon, so keep this in mind. You need to make sure that they immediately have promising attributes, such as fast response times, availability and the ability to answer your questions clearly. If they don't do it right away, it could be a red flag.
Let's take a look at some red flags to detect partners who may be bad or fake.
How to spot bad or fake wholesalers
You've probably heard horror stories of honest businessmen who were deceived and defrauded of them and their hard-earned money.
It is quite understandable if you feel indecision. The good news is that this is the worst case scenario, and it is unlikely to happen if you are vigilant and aware as you consider different types of wholesalers.

Here are some things to look for to identify good seeds from Bad Seeds.
Check out their reviews when possible. If they have less than 4 stars out of 5, keep looking! The lower their ratings, the higher the chance that there will be some problems in working with them. (Although low ratings do not necessarily mean that they are scammers – they may not be reliable.)
Also check to see how many reviews they have. More reviews means that more store owners have used them, which means that the ratings are more reliable. If they only have a few reviews, there is more uncertainty about how accurate the reviews are.
Check if it's easy to contact them. If they don't make it easy to contact them through their website or phone, that's a red flag. Reputable suppliers are usually easy to communicate with.
Find out if they are asking for your business ID or tax ID number. Legitimate online wholesalers will use this number to make sure you are trustworthy . Wholesalers should want to check you the same way you want to check them!
If the price seems too good to be true, it probably is. If you find a cheap wholesale online store that offers prices much lower than anything else you've seen, that's a red flag. Sure, you need to find a good deal for your own profit margins, but don't be fooled by anything that is too low.
See return and Exchange Policy
If a product causes problems for customers and you realize that it is not saleable, will the wholesaler work with you to return the remaining inventory Find out their process for this.
Make sure by searching for them on the internet if there are any negative complaints against the wholesaler who dealt with him.
A good wholesaler:
Offers consistent and fair prices that you can work with
Provides high-quality customer service
Serves the region or region where you work
Trustworthy and reliable – does not fail to deliver on time
He has healthy relationships with manufacturers of the products you need
Works with you to develop a contract that prepares you for success
They also do not run their own retail business
What are your pricing options
Obviously, this will vary for each product, but you are looking for an idea of how prices will change based on volume. The minimum order size also plays into this.
Suppose a wholesaler offers a product for 1.50 dollars per item, but the minimum order size is 10,000. They sell to big companies. Another wholesaler may offer you the same item for 2.50 dollars, but only a minimum of 500 dollars.
As a smaller company, you don't want to take on the burden of a huge inventory. It is expensive and risky. So you may choose the higher cost per item along with the lower minimum.
Also, when negotiating a contract, try to work on a clause that includes a volume ladder, where you are promised lower prices in larger quantities if you are able to grow your business.
You can take advantage of this article to help you in order not to fall into the trap of scammers :
We wish you good luck with our appreciation to you
Albeyan Fashion