Important notes
- We do not oblige you to deal with the shipping companies mentioned above. We accept dealing with any company approved by you that has an official office in Istanbul.
- The above shipping price list is an estimated list and not final . Prices are currently unstable due to high international oil prices.
- To inquire about any additional information regarding shipping, please contact the shipping company's office directly before purchasing to check the company, shipping costs and dates, and any other information.
- We are not responsible for any dispute , default or errors that may occur on the part of the shipping companies, it is the buyer's responsibility to confirm all the information by contacting directly with the offices of the shipping companies at the above numbers and checking with the official representatives in your countries, their trade licenses, official papers, freight rates, arrival time of the goods and any other information.
- Regarding international shipping, we trust the company DHL We trust the speed of performance, the speed of customs clearance procedures, the speed of cargo delivery, and also the company DHL Responsible for compensating customers in case of loss of any goods at the actual value mentioned in the full customs invoice in addition to shipping fees, of course, to note that we have been dealing with DHL for several years, there has not been any problem or loss of any goods through shipments that have been sent, numbering in the hundreds.

For more inquiries, Contact Us on WhatsApp 00905449538214